Welcome to our all-in-one marketplace and service booking app!

Frequently Asked Question

Offers valid online and in-store unless otherwise stated.
Limited availability on discounted items.

Nikammaa.com is your ultimate online platform for purchasing products and booking services, including groceries, electronics, furniture, and more, as well as essential services like home cleaning, computer repair, and AC maintenance.

Simply create an account, browse the products or services you need, add them to your cart, and proceed to checkout. You can choose your preferred payment method and confirm your order.

We offer a wide range of services, including residential and commercial electrical installations, repairs, panel upgrades, lighting installation, and more. Contact us for a full list of services. If your home has frequent breaker trips, flickering lights, or you’re planning to add new major appliances, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel to handle the increased load.

Yes, you can book multiple services in one go. Just add the services you need to your cart and schedule them according to your convenience.

We accept a variety of payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, UPI, and digital wallets.

Orders and bookings can be canceled within 1 day of placing them. Beyond this, cancellation requests are subject to approval, provided the order has not been accepted or delivered.

Delivery times vary depending on the product or service. Most products are delivered within 2–5 business days, while service bookings are scheduled as per your chosen time slot.

If you cancel within the allowed timeframe and the product/service has not been used, you are eligible for a full refund. Refunds are processed within 7–10 business days.

Yes, all service providers on Nikammaa.com are thoroughly verified to ensure quality and professionalism.

After receiving your product or service, you can leave feedback or a review by visiting the "My Orders" section in your account.

Absolutely. We prioritize your privacy and implement advanced security measures to protect your personal and payment information.

You can reach our customer support team via email at contact@nikammaa.com or whatsapp us at 919453357069.

Yes, we regularly offer exciting discounts and coupons. Keep an eye on our website and app for the latest deals!

Yes, you can track your order or service status in real-time by logging into your account and visiting the "My Orders" or "My Bookings" section.

Stay tuned! We’re working on introducing exclusive membership and loyalty programs to reward our valued customers.

Currently, we operate in Kanpur, Utter Pradesh. We’re constantly expanding to serve more locations.

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With a seamless user experience and a wide range of products and services available at your fingertips, shopping and booking has never been easier.

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Onsite India Consultancy
431 Panki Kanpur – 208020

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Monday – Friday: 9:00-20:00
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